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Boating Santa to highlight Smith Mountain Lake holiday celebration

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b2ap3_thumbnail_Santa-at-BWP_courtesy-of-Bridgewater-Marina.jpgBringing the kids to see Santa at Smith Mountain Lake is one of SML's oldest and most beloved holiday traditions!

This year, "Santa Around Bridgewater Plaza" will take place from noon to 3 p.m on Nov. 30 at Bridgewater Plaza.

Please join us as we kick off the holiday season with refreshments and specials by participating plaza businesses, an Elf on the Shelf contest and more. Check out our Facebook event!

Santa will arrive by boat to Bridgewater Marina at 1 p.m. to hear wish lists and pose for photos. This year Santa will be at Smith Mountain Lake Coffee House on the plaza's upper level. Please bring your own camera/phone for photos.

Nov. 30 is also Small Business Saturday, a national movement that encourages people to shop locally for the holiday season. Read my 5 reasons why it's important to shop at Smith Mountain Lake this year.

Make plans with the kids (or grandkids!) to stroll the decks, play games, enjoy some food and drinks and see Santa at Smith Mountain Lake on Nov. 30.. It's FREE and you don't have to leave the lake! In fact, if the weather cooperates, you can even come by boat.


We ho, ho, hope to see you on Nov. 30!

~Ryan and the team at Bridgewater Marina 


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